Yield Explorer is an online tool that helps regular people find DeFi yields and airdrops.

Unique Features

Yield Explorer is not an average yield aggregator. It bolsters a unique set of features that makes it more appealing to the mass market:

Yield Explorer for DeFi is like…

Bloomberg Terminal for Finance: Known for providing financial data and analytics, Yield Explorer is similar to a Bloomberg Terminal for the DeFi space, offering comprehensive data and insights.

Wikipedia for Information: Wikipedia is a comprehensive information source; Yield Explorer is a comprehensive source for all things DeFi.

Google Maps for Travel: Just as Google Maps guides travelers, Yield Explorer is a navigational tool for exploring the DeFi landscape.

IMDb for Movies: IMDb is the definitive source for movie information; Yield Explorer serves a similar role for information on DeFi pools.

How it Works

Explore all available DeFi yield pools and strategies, including DeFi staking pools, liquidity pools, lending pools, vaults, yields from tokenized real-world assets, and more.

Filter them by Chain, Asset, TVL, APY, and Risk Scores.

“Explore Yields” page. Note: information displayed is for illustration purposes.

“Explore Yields” page. Note: information displayed is for illustration purposes.

Pool Info Page